Monday, September 20, 2010

Updated Website

Ok, I have officially updated my website. Check it out...and then pay me alot of money.
(it couldn't be any more obvious)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Imogen Heap live pics...

Well, here are some pics from the Imogen Heap concert at the Norva in Norfolk, VA. I was afraid I would have lenses too short in focal length but just the opposite happened. I was all up in her grill...even a 50mm was too long in some cases! The rest can be found at (eventually). Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Worn-out iPhone...

Man, I'm glad the new iPhone 4 came out...that means I can finally replace this 1st gen one...the one on the edge network...that has enough ram to barely even THINK about launching an app...I obviously didnt keep a case on this one...and yes, that is gaffers tape on the back since the
bottom black piece came off (but it does make it louder!!). Since I bought it used on eBay a million years ago and didnt like how massive case made it feel, I guess thats why I never protected it. But the new one - I'll have that suited up like Iron Man.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Derek Auth

Oh hey there. I just made a new profile on

Kind of big deal...but check it on out..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Update...lazy update

So, man...I've haven't updated this blog in a while, sorry! I'll try my hardest to keep it fresh...I should post some of my newest work up here...

Need to be un-lazy...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Final Promo Pic

This is the final of the last El Prezidino promo series I did a while back. Man, its pictures like these that take me 5EVER..cuz of photoshop...necessary evil.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fun with photoshop 2!

So I've finished most of these promo pics for El Prezidino. This one I'm most proud of to put in my book....cuz it took me frigin' forever..